- Indian River water prawn is called Palaemon'. Marine water prawn is called Penacus'.
- The body of the prawn is divisible into Cephalothorax and abdomen.
- Cephalothorax is made by 13 segments which includes cephalic and thoracic regions.
- The cephalic region contains 5 segments and thoracic region contains 8 segments.
- In the abdomen 6 segments are present.
- The cephalothoracic region is covered by a carapace, k produces anteriorly a rostral spine.
- In the abdomen the segments are clearly seen.
- Each segment is covered on dorsal side by a convex tergal plate and a ventral thin sternal plate.
- Both are connected on the sides by pleuron.
- In the abdomen the appendages are attached to small plate, called Epimeron on the pleuron.
Cephalothoractc appendages :
- These are 13 pairs.
- First 5 pairs are called Cephalic appendages.
- The next 8 pairs are Thoracic appendages.
Cephalic appendages :
- Antennules: The protopodite is 3 segmented, with basal structure precoxa.coxa and basis.
- In the precoxa a statocyst is present.
- It maintains equilibrium of the animal.
- On the basis 2 long,many segmented whip like feelers are present. They are tactile sense organs.
- They are not homologous to exopodite and endopodite.
- The outer feeler is further divided into an inner smaller branch and outer larger branch.
Antenna: The protopodite shows coxa and basis.
- Endopodite is long feeler like structure, which is a tactile sense organ.
- The exopodite is plate like and it is called Squama.
- It works as a balancer during swimming.
- At the base of the coxa renal opening is present.
- Antenna is sensory, excretory and balancing in function.
Mandibles: They are present on either side of the mouth.
- The basal part of coxa is divided into two parts, it shows a mandibular and incisor process.
- The mandibular process shows 5 or 6 dental plates.
- The incisor process shows 3 teeth. On the outer margin of the head a mandibular palp is present, which represents the basis and endopodite.
- The exopodite is absent. The mandibles are masticatory in function.
I Maxilla or Maxillula : The protopodite is 2 lobed. They are called Gnathobases.
The endopodite is slender. Exopodite is absent.
It helps in the manipulation of the food.
II Maxillae: The protopodite is fait and is divided into 4 lobes.
- Endopodite is small and unsegmented.
- The exopodite is broad, and plate like structure.
- It is called Scaphognathite or baler. It is useful to bring in water into the branchial region.
- It is helpful for respiration and manipulation of food.
Thoracic appendages :
- They are 8 pairs.
- The first 3 pairs are Maxillipedes.
- The remaining 5 are walking legs.
- I Maxillipede: They are thin and leaf like.
- Protopodite is 2 segmented. The endopodite is short.
- Exopodite is present.
- It is bilobed. Epipodite is respiratory in function.
- It is present on the outer side of coxa.
II Maxillipede: It has 2 segmented protopodite.
- Coxa bears a conical epipodite and a gilk Endopodite is 5 segmented.
- The five segments are ischium, merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus. Exopodite is long and unsegmented.
III Maxillipede : It looks like a walking leg. It has 3 segmented endopodite.
- The basal segment corresponds to ischium and merus.
- The apical segment is fused and corresponds to propodus and dactylus.
- The middle one is carpus.
4. Walking legs: They are 5 pairs.
- The first 2 pairs are chelate and the other 3 pairs are nonchelate.
- They are useful for walking.
- The typical walking leg has a two jointed protopodite and 5 jointed endopodite.
- The protopodite has two segments, coxa and basis.
- The endopodite has ischium, merus, carpus, propodus and dactylus.
- In the first and second pairs of legs the propodus is prolonged beyond its articulation with dactylus and it looks like a chela or pincer.
- Such legs are called chelate legs. They catch the food and push it into the mouth.
- The second chelate, leg in male is larger and powerful than in females.
- The 3rd. 4th and 5th walking legs are non chelate.
- In female the 3rd walking leg bears a female reproductive opening on the inner side of coxa.
- In the male the genital opening is present on the arthrodial membrane between the thorax and 5th walking leg.
Abdominal Appendages:
- Abdomen bears six pairs of appendages.
- Each appendage is biramous. These are called pleopods or swimmerts.
- The protopodite has coxa and basis. The basis bears two flat leaf like exo and endopodite.
- From the inner margin of the endopodjte a small appendix interna arises.
- In the females during breeding season the appendix interna of opposite appendages unite and carry eggs.
- In the first pair of abdominal appendages the appendix interna is absent.
- The second abdominal appendages of male shows appendix masculine also.
- The sixth pair of abdominal appendages will be called Uropods or tail feet.
- They are large and lie one on either side of the telson.
- The two uropods and telson together form a broad tailfin.
- It helps the Prawn to take a backward spring in water.
- In a uropod the coxa and basis fuse together to form a triangular sympod.
- It helps the Prawn to take a backward spring in water.
- In a uropod the coxa and basis fuse together to form a triangular sympod. It bears exo and endopodites.
Thus the appendages of Prawn are helpful in food collection, respiration and locomotion.