The following list is by no means complete, but it may help.
The following abbreviations are used ; Gr., for the Greek ; L., for the Latin.
a-or an- (Gr., without or absent), asexual, without sex anaerobe organism that lives without free oxygen.
ab- (L., away from or without), aboral, away from the mouth
ad- (L., toward, upon, or equal), adrenal , relating to the kidney; adduct, to draw one part towards another.
ae (L., plural ending of singular Latin nouns ending in a)alga and algae (p1.)
acr, acri-, acis (Gr-akris) Outermost top, point, tip
actin-actino (Gr., ktis-ray)
aer-(Gr, air), aerobe , organism that requires free air.
alb (L., white), albino , organism exhibiting no pigment.
algia (Gr., pain), neuralgia , pain in a nerve.
ambi- (L., both), ambidextrous , being able to use eitherhand.
ambly (Gr., ambulus, dull, dim) e.g. amblypoda, rangeextinct animals of the Eocene period.
amphi- (Gr., on both sides), Amphibia , class of vertebrateanimals living in water and on land.
amyl- (L., starch), amylase enzyme that changes starch to sugar.
ana- (Gr., back or again), anabolism , building-up processof metabolism.
angio- (Gr., enclosed), angiosperm , plant with enclosed or protected seeds.
ante- (L., before in time or space), antedorsal , placed before dorsal.
anti- (Gr., opposed or opposite), antitoxin , antibody opposed to or neutralizing a toxin.
antho- (Gr., anthos = flower), Anthozoa-flower-like coelenterates.
antr- (L., cavity), antrum , cavity of a bone.
apo- (Gr., away or separate), apodeme , ingrowth from the exo-skeleton of most arthropods.
aqua- (L., water), aquatic , living in water.
arch- (Gr., early or chief), archenteron , early digestive tract or enteron ; Archeozoic , earliest era of geologic history.
areol- (L., space), areolar , containing minute spaces.
arthr- (Gr., joint), Arthropoda , phylum of invertebrateanimals with jointed appendages or feet.
asco- (Gr., sac or bag), Ascomycetes , class of sac-bearing fungi.
-ase (suffix designating an enzyme), protease enzyme that acts on proteins.
aster- (Gr., star), Asteroidea , class of echinoderms resembling stars.
auto- (Gr., self), autosynthesis , self-building up.
axo, ax, axio, axon (Gr., axine-axis)-pertaining to an axis.
bactér- (Gr., baktron , a stick), bacteria , rod-shaped organisms.
basi- (Gr., base) basidiospore , spore formed at the baseof a basidium.
bi (Gr., base), bilateral , similar on both sides.
bio- (Gr., life), biology , science of life.
blast- (Gr., bud or young), blastoderm , primitive germlayer. .
brachy- (Gr., short), brachydactyly , abnormal shortness of the digits.
brady (Gr., boadus, slow)
brevis (L., short), adductor brevis , short adductor muscle.
bryo- (Gr., moss), bryophyte , plant of the phylum comprising the mosses.
caec- (L., blind), cecum , ( caecum ), blind pouch.
calci- (L., lime), calcareous , containing lime.
-carp (Gr., fruit), pericarp , wall around the plant ovary.
cata- (Gr., down), catabolism , breaking-down process of metabolism.
cauda- (L., tail), caudal , relating to a tail. cay— (L., hollow), vena cava , hollow vein.
ceno- (Gr., recent), Cenozoic , recent era of geologic history.
centr- (L., center), centrosome , Léntre of activity during mitosis.
cephalo— (Gr., head), cephalic , relating to, or toward the head.
chior- (Gr., green), chlorophyll, green colouring matter of plants.
-chondro (Gr., green), mitochondria , small, granular parts of protoplasm.
chondro- (Gr., cartilage), chondrocranium , part of the cranium developing from cartilage.
chrom- (Gr., color), chromatophore , colour-bearing cell.
-cide (L., kill), insecticide , agent that kills insects.
cili (L., eyelash), cilia , minute, hair-like processes.
circum- (L., around), circumoesophageal , around the oesophagus.
cloaca (L., sewer), cloaca , outlet for excretions. cnido- (Gr., nettle), cnidoblast , nettle cell of certain animals.
coel- (Gr., hollow), coelom ( celom ), hollow body cavity.
coeno- (Gr., common), coenosarc , common tissue in certain animals.
coleo- (Gr., sheathed), Coleoptera , order of sheathedinsects, such as beetles.
corn- (L., together), commensalism , living together.
con- (L., cone), conifer , cone-bearing tree ; or (L., with), concretion , something that has grown together.
cotyl- (Gr., cup shaped), cotyledon , cup-shaped seed leaf.
creta- (L., chalk), Cretaceous , chalk period of geologic times.
cyan- (Gr., blue), Cyanophyta ,phylum of blue-green algae.
cyst- (Gr., sac), cyst, pouch or sac.
cyt- (Gr., cell), cytology , branch of biology studying cell structure and function.
de- (L., off), degenerate , to lose generative ability, dehydration.
dendr- (Gr., brush or tree), dendrite , tree-like structure of a nerve cell.
derrn- (Gr., skin), dermis , part of the skin.
di- (Gr., twice), diploblastic , possessing two germ layers ; dicotyledon , plant possessing two cotyledons.
dis- (L., away), distal , away from the point of origin.
-dont (Gr., odontos, tooth) or Thecodont.
dors- (L., back), dorsal , pertaining to the back.
dura- (L., tough), duramater, tough, outer covering of the brain and spinal cord.
e- (L., out of, without), egest , to pass outside.
ec- (Gr., house or environment), ecology , study of the habitats of an organism.
ecto- (Gr., outside), ectoderm , outer layer of cells.
-ectorny (Gr., cut), appendectomy , removal of the appendix.
-emia (Gr., blood), anaemia, blood deficiency.
en- (Gr., in or within), encyst, to cover with a membranous cyst.
endo- or ento- (Gr., within), endoderm , inner layer of cells.
eo- (Gr., dawn, or early), Eocene , early geologic period.
epi- (Gr., upon), epidermis , epithelial layer upon the dennis.
equi- (L., horse), Equisetineae , class to which the horsetails belong.
eu- (Gr., good or well), eugenic , being fitted for the production of good offspring.
ex- (Gr., external), exoskeleton , external skeleton. EXOCRINE GLANDS
extra- (L., beyond), extracellular , beyond or outside the cell.
-fer (L., to bear), Porifera , phylum comprising pore- bearing sponges. .
flu- (L., thread), filiform , thread-like.
flex- (L,. bend), flexor , muscle that bends joints.
-form (L., shape), uniform , all one shape.
gam- (Gr., marriage), gamete , reproductive cell.
gastr- (Gr., stomach), gastric , pertaining to the stomach.
-gen (Gr., to produce), pathogenic , capable of causing disease.
geo- (Gr., earth), geology , science of the earth.
-gest (Gr., to bear or hold), ingest, to take in.
-glea (Gr., jelly), mesoglea, middle, jelly-like layer in certain animals.
glyc- (Gr., sweet or carbohydrate), glycogen animal starch.
gono- (Gr., seed or reproduction), gonad , organ of reproduction.
gymn- (Gr., naked), gymnosperm, class of seed plants whose seeds are not enclosed in an ovary.
haem- (Gr., blood), haemoglobin, (haemoglobin), substance in the blood.
hemi- (Gr., half), hemisphere , one half of a sphere.
hepat- (Gr., liver), hepatic, pertaining to the liver.
hetero- (Gr., other or different), heterogeneous , consisting of different constituents.
hex- (Gr., six), hexagonal , six sided.
homo- (Gr., same), homogeneous , of a similar kind.
hyal- (Gr., glass), hyaline, something that is transparent or glass-like.
hydr- (Gr., water), dehydrate , to remove water.
hymen- (Gr., membrane), Hymenoptera , order of insects with membranous wings.
hyper- (Gr., above), hypersensitive , especially sensitive.
hypo- (Gr., under), hypoglossal, situated under the tongue.
in- (L., in, into, not, without), invaginate , to infold one part within another.
infra- (L., below), infraorbital , below the orbit.
inter- (L., between), intercellular , between cells.
intra- (L., inside), intracellular , within a cell.
iso(Gr., equal), isothermic , having equal temperatures.
-itis (Gr., inflammation), appendicitis , inflammation of the appendix.
labi- (L., lip), labium, lip.
lac- (L., milk), lactose , milk sugar.
later- (L., side), lateral , relating to the side.
-lemma (Gr., covering), neurilemma , covering of a nerve.
lepi- (Gr., scale), Lepidoptera , order of insects with scale wings.
leuko- (Gr., white), leukocyte , white blood cell. lip- (Gr., fatty), lipoid , fatty substance.
-log (Gr., study), zoology , study of animals.Branches of biology
luci- (L., light), luciferin , light-producing material.
lysis (Gr., destroy), bacteriolysis , desçruction of bacteria.
macro- (Gr. , large), macronucleus , large nucleus.
mal- (Gr., bad), malnutrition , bad nutrition.
mega- (Gr., large), megaspore , large spore.
mens- (L., table), commensalism , eating at a common source of food.
-mere (Gr., part), micromere , small part
meso- (Gr., middle), mesoderm , middle cellular layer.
meta- (Gr., after), metaphase , later phase of mitosis.
micro- (Gr., small), micronucleus , small nucleus.
miii- (Gr., thousand), millipede , animal with a “thousand” legs.
mio- (Gr., less), Miocene , less recent period in geologichistory. S
mito- (Gr., thread), mitosis , cell division with the formation of thread-like structures.
mono- (Gr., one), monograph, , something written about one subject.
morph- (Gr., form), morphology , study of form.
multi- (L., many), multi coloured , of many colours.
muta- (L., to change), mutation , abrupt hereditary change.
myco- (Gr., fungus), mycology , study of fungi.
myxo- (Gr., slime), Myxomycophyta , phylum comprising the slime moulds.
nema- (Gr., thread), nematocyst , thread-like structure of coelenterates.
neo- (Or., young or recent), Neotropical , constituting a recent biogeographic region in the tropics.
nephro- (Gr., kidney), iiephridium , tubular excretory organ.
non- (L., not), non-irritant , not irritating.
noto- (Gr. notos, The back), e.g. notochord.
nuc- (L., kernel or centre), nucleus , central portion of a cell.
octo- (L., eight), octopus , animal with eight appendages.
oedo- (Gr., swollen), edema (oedema), swollen condition.
-oid (Gr., like), amoeboid ( amoeboid ), like an Amoeba.
oligo- (Gr., few or little), oligotrichous , having few cilia.
-oma(Gr., swelling or tumor), carcinoma , malignant growth (cancer).
omni- (L., omnis-all) e.g. omnivore.
00- (Gr., egg), oogenesis , formation and development of an egg.
or- (L., mouth), oral , pertaining to the mouth.
ortho- (Gr., straight), Orthoptera , order of insects with straight wings.
Os- (Gr., bone), osseQus , pertaining to bone. ovi- (L., egg), ovum , egg.oviparous mammals
pakiio- (Gr., ancient), palaeontology , study of ancient life.
para- (Gr., beside), parapodia , appendages beside others.
path- (gr., disease), pathogenic , capable of causing disease.
ped- (L., feet), pedal , pertaining to the foot.
peri- (Gr., around), peristome , region around an opening or mouth.
phaeo- (Or., dark or brown), Phaeophyta , phylum of brown algae.
phago- (Or., to eat), phagocyte , cell that eats or destroys.
phor- (Or., to bear), sporophore , part of a sporophyte that bears spores.
photo- (Or., light), photosynthesis , formation of carbohydrates in the presence of light.
-phil! (Or., loving), thermophile , heat-loving organism.
phyco- (Or., alga, or seaweed), Phycomycetes , alga like fungus.
-phyll (Or., leaf), mesophyll , middle part of a leaf.
physio- ( Or., nature), physiology , study of the nature or function of living matter.
-phyte (Or., plant), sporophyte , spore-bearing plant.
-pkism (Or., formed), ectoplasm , outer region of the cell cytoplasm.
plot)?- (Or., nat), Platyhelminthes, phylum of Flatworms.
pijo- (Or., more), Pliocene , more recent geologic period.
poly- (Or., many), Polymorphous , having many for iris.
post- (L., after), postnatal , after birth.
-porous (Or., foot), octopus , animal with eight feet or appendages.
pre- (L. before), prenatal , before birth.
pro- (Or., before), prostomium , portion ofthe head situated before the mouth of certain worms and molluscs.
proto- (Or., first of essential), protoplasm , essential material of all plant and animal cells.
prox- (L., nearest), proximal , nearest.
pseudo- (Or., false), pseudopodia , false feet.
-ptero (Or., wing), Diptera , order of insect with two wings.
re- (I. ., again or back), regenerate , to form again.
ren- (I.., kidney), renal , pertaining to the kidney. rept- (I. ., creeping), reptile , creeping animal.
retro- (I. ., backward), retrolingual , backward from the tongue.
rhabdo (Or., rhabdos-rod), e.g. rhab, possessing straight rod-like intestine.
rhizo- (Or., root), Rhizopoda , subclass of animals with root-like appendages.
rhodo- (Or., red), Rhodophyta , phylum of red algae.
roti- (I.., wheel), rotifer , animal with a wheel-like structure on its head.
-sare (Or., flesh), ectosarc , outer flesh or layer of protoplasm.
schizo- (Or., to divide), Schizomycophyta , phylum of fission fungi (bacteria).
scler- (Or., hard), sclerotic , hard.
-scope (Or., see) microscope , instrument enabling one to see minute ‘objects.
-see! (I. ., to cut), dissect , to cut.
-semi- (L., half), semicircle , half of a circle.
sept- (L., wall), septum , partition.
set- (L., bristle), seta , bristle-like structure.
sinu- (L., hollow), sinus , hollow cavity.
soma- (Gr., body), somatoplasm , protoplasm of the body.
spor- (Gr., seed), spore , reproductive structure.
stoma- (Gr., opening), stoma , opening, such as is found in leaves.
sub- (Gr., under), submaxillary , under the maxilla.
super- (L., over or above), superior , higher, upper, or above.
supra- (L., above), suprarenal , above the kidney .
sym- (Gr., together), symbiosis , living together.
syn- (Gr., together), synapsis , association or union.
taxo-, taxi-, taxis (Gr., taxis-arrangement).
telo- (Gr., complete or end), telophase , end stage of cell division.
terato- (Gr., marvel, or monster),teratology, study ofmonstrosities or deviations from the normal.
tetra- (Gr., four), tetrapod , something that has four feet.
-thec (Gr., case), spermatheca , sperm-case.
thermo- (Gr., heat), thermotropism , reaction to heat.
thigmo- (Gr., contact), thigmotropism , reaction to contact.
-tome (Gr., to cut), microtome , instrument to cut small sections.
toxi- (Gr., poison), toxin , poison.
trans- (Gr., across), transfer , to carry across.
,.j (Gr., three), trilobed , having three lobes.
tricho- (Gr., hair), trichocyst , hair-like structure.
trop- (Gr., reaction), tropism , reaction to stimuli.
ultra- (L., beyond), ultramicroscopic, so small that it is beyond the microscope.
uni- (L, one), unilateral , on one side.
-ur (Gr., tail, Anura , animals without tails.
vas- (L., vessel), vas deferens , vessel to transmit male sex cells.
ventr- (Gr., belly), ventral , pertaining to the lower or belly side.
ti- (L., to turn), Vorticella , animal that turns as it moves.
xantho- (Gr., xanthos, yellow) : eg. xanthophyll, yellowpigment.
xiphi- (Gr., xiphos, a sword) : e.g. xiphiosura, king crabs the hind part bearing a long tail spine
xen-, xeno- (Gr., xen-strange-different)
xero- (Gr., xeros-dry) e.g. xerophyte e.g. climatic plant
previous topic is symbols and abbreviations in biology