
Terms commonly used in poultry farming:

1. Debeaking- Debeaking is a process of cutting one third of upper beak at 15 days age for first time and at 16th week for second time. As a result of debeaking, the chicken may not involve in cannibalism and can easily procure the soft food without waste. Debeaking is taken up by a machine called Debeaker. Two thirds of the beak is removed in V shaped structure.

2. Dubbing
In Poultry Dubbing is a process in which crown and wattles are trimmed in 

young chicken. This process is taken up in the first 3 days. Dubbing results in faster growth and production egg increases by two percent.

3. Cannibalism

Cannibalism in poultry is referred to as one bird pecking the other bird. The cannibalism in fowls may be caused because of several reasons:

1. May be hereditary

2. Rearing of number of fowls in less space 3. Since they are not subjected to debeaking

4. Supplying more tasteful, energetic and salty food and

5. More temperature in the poultry farm. These reasons can be made set right except the hereditary characters.

4. Broodiness.
The broodiness in fowls is caused due to hormonal influence. The broody fowls do not lay eggs and feed. Such fowls are to be separated and kept in bright light. Broodiness in fowls is treated by
giving estrogen injection and nutrient food.

5. Prolaps

The ejected oviduct through the cloaca of hens fed with fat rich food material is called prolaps. The oviduct ejects outside during egg laying. This condition is also caused due to heavyweight of the birds or laying large sized eggs. The ejected oviduct is not with drawn due to inability of its contraction.

6. Culling

Culling is the process of separating or eliminating sick and nonproductive birds from the poultry. The non-productive birds can be distinguished from the productive birds by the following characters.

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