ACINUS GLANDS are present in Frog, rabbit, man at Skin, liver and pancreas its function is Secretes mucus and bile in liver, Secretion helps in digestion.

ALVEOLAR GLANDS are present in Mammals at Skin its function is Secretes oily secretion ,(Sebaceous gland) or milk, (Mammary gland)

APOCRINE GLANDS are present in Mammals at Skin its function is Secretion similar to mammary gland

AREOLAR GLANDS are present in Primitive mammals at Rudimentary milk gland its function is Produce slight elevations.

ACCESSORY GLANDS are present in Earthworm at 17th and 19 segments its function is Secretion help in copulation

ACCESSORY GLANDS are present in Man at Male reproductive organs its function is Activation of sperms and also as lubricant Excretion

ANTENNARY GLANDS are present in Ease of antennae at Crustaceans its function is Secretion dissolve tissue of secondary host

APICAL GLANDS are present in Apical papilla at Trematoid larva its function is Secretion lubricates vagina and uterus for

BARTHOLIN GLANDS (VESTIBULAR GLAND)(GLANDS OF DUVERNOY) are present in Female rabbit,Woman, at Reproductive tract its function is copulation

BOWMAN’S GLAND are present in Man at Olactory organs its function is Secretion keeps the olfactory epithelium moist

BRUNNERS GLANDS (DUODENAL GLANDS) are present in Rabbit and other mammals at Duodenum its function is Secrete mucus

BUCCAL GLANDS are present in Mammals at Oral Cavity its function is Secrete saliva

BULBO URETHRAL GLANDS-(COWPER’S GLANDS) are present in Male rabbit, Man, at Alongside urethra its function is Secretion lubricates urethra for semei

BLOOD GLANDS (RED GLANDS) are present in Earthworm at Either side of pharynx its function is Secretes blood corpuscles and haemoglobin

CALEIFEROUS GLAND are present in Earthworm at Stomach its function is Secrete chalky substance

CHROMOPHIL GLAND are present in Earthworm at Roof of pharynx its function is Secrete mucin and proteinase

CLITELLAR GLANDS are present in Earthworm, Leech at Clitellum its function is Secretion help in cocoon formation

CARDIAC GLANDS are present in Man at Stomach its function is Sçcretion helps in digestion

CERUMINOUS GLANDS are present in Mammals at External ear cavity its function is Secrate ear wax (cerumen).

CILIARY GLANDS-(MOLL GLANDS) are present in Man at Eye lashes its function is Secretion lubricates eye lashes

CUTANEOUS GLANDS present in Mammals at Skin its function is  Secretion helps in lubrication of root hair.

COLLATERAL GLANDS are present in Female cockroach at Post region of abdomen its function is Formatoin of ootheca

CONGLOBATE GLANDS-(PHALLIC GLANDS) are present in Male cockroach at -do- its function is Formation of outermost covering of spermatophore

CROP GLAND are present in Pigeon at Neck its function is Secrete pigeon’s milk

CYSTOGENOUS GLANDS are present in Liver fluke at Cercarioa larva its function is Formation of cyst

DERMAL GLANDS(SWEAT GLANDS) are present in Mammals at Skin its function is Secrete sweat

DUCTLESS GLAND(ENDOCRINE GLANDS) are present in Vertebrates at in various parts its function is Secretion called hormones

FUNDIC GLANDS are present in Mammals at Stomach its function is Secretion mucus, HCI etc.

GASTRIC GLANDS are present in Vertebrates ,specially mammals at Stomach its function is Secrete pepsin, rennin and dil. HCI

GREEN GLAND are present in crestecian at Base of antennae its function is Excretory

HARDERIAN GLANDS are present in Reptiles, birds and mammals at inner side of eyes its function is secretion lubricates nictitating membrane

HOLOCRINE GLANDS are present in Mammals at Skin its function is Entire cell alongwith contained secretory product is extruded e.g., Sebaceous glands

INFRA-ORBITAL GLANDS(SALIVARY GLANDS)(ZYGOMATIC GLANDS) are present in In some mammals but not in man at In buccal cavity below orbits its function is Secretes saliva

INGUINAL GLANDS(PERINEAL GLANDS) are present in Mammals at Reproductive organs its function is Produce odorous secretoin for sexual attraction.

INK GLANDS are present in Mollusc at Visceral mass its function is Secretion dark coloured fluid for defence by forming smoke

LACHRYMAL GLANDS(TEAR GLANDS) are present in Mammals at Eyes-upper eyelid its function is Sccrete tears

LITTRE GLANDS(URETHRAL GLANDS) are present in Man and woman at Urethra its function is

LIVER are present in Vertebrate at Abdominal cavity its function is Secretion helps in digestion, and Absorption, formation of blood and other metabolic and protective functions

LYMPH GLANDS are present in Vertebrate at Spleen, Tonsils, Peyers 

patches of the intestine its function is Produce and store lymphocytes and destroy bacteria.

MAMMARY GLANDS are present in Mammals at Thorax and abdomen its function is Secrete milk

MANTLE GLAND are present in Molluscs at In mantle its function is Secretes shell

MEHIL’S GLAND are present in Platyhelminthes at Reproductive organs its function is Secretion lubricates genital tract for passage of eggs

MEIBOMIAN GLAND are present in Mammals at In eye lashes its function is Secrete oily secretion to hold tears evenly on eye ball.

MUSHROOM GLAND are present in Male cockroach at Abdomen its function is Secretion keeps sperms active

NASAL GLAND are present in Vertebrate at In nasal epithelium its function is Secretes mucus to absorb dust particles.

OLFACTORY GLAND are present in Vertebrates at In nasal epithelium its function is Other name for nasal gland secret nasal mucas

PALATINE GLAND are present in Rabbit at Palate of oral cavity its function is secreate mucas

PAROTID GLAND are present in Mammals at Buccal cavity its function is It is a salivary gland which secretes mucus

PAROTOID GLAND are present in Toad at Near tympanum its function is Poison gland of toad

PECTORAL GLAND are present in Liverfiuke at Miracidium larva its function is Secretion helps larva to penetrate in the body of sheep.

PENETRATION GLAND are present in Liverfiuke at Miraciduim larva its function is Secretion helps larva to penetrate in the body of sheep.

PERINEAL GLAND are present in Rabbit at Around genital organs and anus its function is Secretes scent like secretion for sexual attraction.

PREEN GLAND are present in Birds at Base of tail its function  oily secretion to keep feathers water proof.

PROSTOMIAL GLAND are present in Leech at its function is Secretion forms ootheca

PROSTATE GLAND are present in Mammals, earthworm at Part of male reproductive organs. its function is Secretes prostatic secretion to keep sperms active.

PYLORIC GLAND are present in Mammals at Pylorie stomach its function is Secretes mainly mucus.

RED GLAND are present in Earthworm at WaIl of pharynx in earthworm its function is Forms blood

SALT GLAND are present in Mammals &‘Fishes at Skin its function is Secretes salt.

SCENT GLAND are present in Mammals at Skin around genital organs its function is Secretes scent-like substance for sexual attraction.

SEBACEOUS GLAND are present in Mammal at Skin its function is Secretes oily substance to lubricate base of hair.

SHELL GLAND are present in Platyhelminthes at Reproductive organs its function is Lubricates vagina and utreus for passage of eggs and harden the shell.

SLIME GLAND are present in Hag fish at Skin its function is Secretes mucus to keep the skin slimy.

SUDORIFIC GLAND are present in Mammal at Skin its function is Secretes sweat to cool the body.

SUBLINGUAL GLAND are present in Mammal at Below the tongue its function is It is salivary gland which secretres saliva

SUBAXILLARY GLAND are present in Mammal at Below the tongue its function is It is a salivary gland which secretes saliva.

SUBNEURAL GLAND are present in Mammal at Upper jaw its function is It is a salivary gland which secretes saliva.

SWEAT GLAND are present in Mammal at Skin its function is Secretes watery sweat to cool the body.

TARSAL GLAND are present in Prototherian at Inner side of tarsus its function is Secretes a poisonous substance for defence.

UNICELLULAR GLAND are present in at In skin and alimentary mucous epithelum its function is Secretes mucus such as globlet cell.

UTRICULAR GLAND are present in Male cockroach at Reproductive organs its function is Secretes medium for activity of sperms and forms inner wall of sperms.